Thursday 3 November 2011

Further Research...lot more to COME!

How the Presentation went??!

Had a presentation today about the ideas I have gathered over the past week. I won’t say it went exactly as I planned but I did expect mike or heather to crit and say what stood out and what didn’t and what ideas I could take further on for my FMP and what I couldn’t and that is exactly what happened. I finally decided that I was going with my 1st idea- bowling environment but it wasn’t good enough as to mike and heather, it seemed boring and doll and told me that I would be able to use some assets but change the location. Like instead of a bowl plex or arcade palace I should put it in a unique place that would fit the role. This might sound bizarre at the moment but I am going to do more research and decided from there. To be honest I’m in two minds as in, I don’t know if I’m going to do arcade palace anymore or change it to something really different. The game that I could relate it with just to give you a visual is call of duty. It’s going to be a deserted village where it’s been wrecked and smashed up as if, war took place. As I’m running out of time I need to make a decision as soon as possible...I’ll update you with my research =D and my decisions.

idea 02

Idea 01

So it Begins

My key is to visualize my idea and plans through blogs as it should help me to keep on track and visualize efficiently to the viewers...

So it BEGINS!!
To decide what i wanted to do for my third year was clear as it was being planned as soon as i started university. It built up for the past two years and now when i started my final third year I instantly decided, i was going to focus it on 'Environment' for my FMP. So i started to think about different types of environment that i could look at so it could give me a visual idea...Before i started my blog i did a sider diagram which is shown down below...

Spider diagram has led me to explore widely which was very effective and helpful. As you can see i started to get ideas of other environments that could relate to the four types of environment i have chosen.
Here are some images that i have gathered.

Claustrophobic environment:

Socializing environment:

Open environment:

Deserted environment:

These are the four types I looked at and I decided that I was going to go in direction with open, socializing and deserted environment. I took out the claustrophobic environment as I wanted more of a loose environment and this idea did not relate. So I decided to go more in-depth with the other three environments.
Here are more pictures of open, socializing and deserted environment.

I just quickly gathered some secondary resources just to give a visual or an idea on where I was heading.
After I went more in-depth I decided to focus on two types of environment and they were open and socializing what I need to do is narrow it down and choose my final idea and then start to create some blueprints of the environment from a bird’s eye view perspective and decide what I really want to do. Anyway this is the end of my blog next one would be posted as soon as I get more in depth. Thank you =D x